Linen Services Adelaide: Study on Linen and Laundry Services

The outcome of any service is judged by the degree to which it satisfies its users. Therefore, the study was based on a questionnaire survey of 200 hospital staff members directly associated with patient care.

The various elements, such as the number of personnel working, their qualification, training, promotion avenues, motivation, and job satisfaction, were studied by carrying out observational studies through a predesigned flow chart supplemented by interviews. For more pre-qualified linen services Adelaide, check this out.


linen services AdelaideThe linen and laundry service workforce was studied through a questionnaire/interview and study of records. The structural aspects of the department were also examined through a predesigned flow chart supplemented by observational study/interviews. Various parameters like patient satisfaction, staff satisfaction and microbial count of laundered linen (quality dimensions) were also measured.

The materials requirement was assessed yearly, and specific specifications for all items required were identified. These are submitted to the purchasing department for procurement. The purchases are inspected for their specification by inspection committees with senior material management officer stores as conveners.

These committees have representation from users and Hospital administration. The purchased items are stored in different linen and laundry stores, viz. Linen stores, uniform stores, and chemical stores are issued to the user section on proper requisition. All these are well maintained and recorded in the department. The water supply in the department is uninterrupted & and ranges from 50 – 100 litres per bed.


The laundry department has equipment for washing, drying, rinsing and pressing. These equipment have been adequately maintained and in good condition. They are used daily. The staff in the laundry are trained to operate and maintain these machines. The equipment also ensures proper hygiene and safety of the linens. For more pre-qualified linen services Adelaide, check this out.

The water supply is uninterrupted, with hot and cold water available. Steam supply is also available. The laundry shares the water resource with the Central Sterile Supplies Department (CSSD) and the Theatre Sterile Supplies Unit. Waste generated in the Linen and Laundry Service is disposed of in the hospital sewerage treatment plant.

The laundry is located in the services core area of the hospital. It is rectangular, with a floor area of 8400 square feet. The laundry layout allows the unidirectional flow of the linen, reducing contamination chances. The facility has adequate sunlight and ventilation with ten air changes per hour.


Whether it is plush towels at a spa or crisp tablecloths at a restaurant, quality linens are necessary to create a positive image for your business. Unfortunately, they can be a costly investment and can add up quickly. If you want to keep your prices down and maintain hygienic textiles, consider working with a TRSA-certified Hygienically Clean linen service.

This service will adhere to recommended wash process standards, ensuring healthcare textiles reach minimum temperatures and disinfection concentrations. They will also use a rigorous inspection and verification process to ensure the linens are free from yeast, mould and harmful bacteria.

The ACCC is concerned that this transaction will reduce competition for customers seeking commercial laundry services in the healthcare, aged care, and industrial markets. This is because SPL and Spotless Laundries both specialise in these markets. For more pre-qualified linen services Adelaide, check this out.


The quality of any service is judged by the degree to which it satisfies its users. To study the satisfaction of the staff working with Linen and Laundry Services, 20predesignedfrom various departments directly linked with patient care like doctors, nurses and other technical staff (Lab technicians, Theatre Assistants, security personnel, transport staff and landscape personnel) were given a predesigned questionnaire. It was found that 90% of them were satisfied with the linen and laundry services.

SPL and Spotless Laundries provide hiring, cleaning and delivery services for linen and garments across multiple cities and regions. This transaction would bring together two of Sydney and Adelaide’s most prominent commercial laundry suppliers, with substantial market shares and a significant gap to their nearest rivals. It is, therefore, likely to increase market concentration in both markets. The ACCC is considering whether the acquisition may reduce competition for customers seeking laundry services in Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne.

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